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Standalone Debian & Ubuntu

System Requirements

To build and run the application, your system should meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Memory: 2GB of RAM
  • CPU: 1 Core

The standalone version typically requires 2GB of RAM for optimal performance, mainly due to the demands of its build process. While installation may be possible with 1GB of RAM, some users have reported issues at this lower memory level.
For systems with less than 2GB of RAM, we recommend using the Docker version. The Docker image is prebuilt, offering enhanced efficiency and a significantly smaller footprint.

Install or update ztnet

Login as root on your system, then install curl, lsb-release and sudo if it is not already installed:

apt update && apt install -y sudo curl lsb-release

To continue install ztnet on Debian or Ubuntu, run the following command:

curl -s | sudo bash

Install a specific version

If you want to rollback or install a previous version, you can specify a version like this:

curl -s | sudo bash -s -- -v v0.4.2

Script Functionality Overview

This script executes the following steps:

  1. Prerequisites: Installs Node.js version 18 and PostgreSQL.
  2. Clone Repository: Clones the ztnet repository into a temporary directory (/tmp/ztnet).
  3. Install Dependencies: Installs the necessary package dependencies.
  4. Build Artifacts: Builds the required artifacts and copies them to /opt/ztnet.
  5. Systemd Service: Sets up a systemd service to auto-start ztnet during system boot.

Monitoring Service Status

To check the status of the ztnet service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl status ztnet

Starting the Service (default)

To start the ztnet service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl start ztnet

Stopping the Service

To stop the ztnet service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl stop ztnet 

Enable at boot (default)

To stop the ztnet service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl enable ztnet

Disable at boot

To stop the ztnet service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl disable ztnet

Testing other branches

If you want to test out a specific branch of ztnet, you can specify the branch like this, change main to the branch you want to test:

curl | sudo bash -s -- -b main

Uninstalling ztnet

This will remove the ztnet systemd service and the ztnet folder.
Postgres, Git and Node.js will not be removed.

curl -s | sudo bash -s -- -u


The installation scripts is available in the install.ztnet folder in main repository.

Ztnet Environment Variables

See Environment Variables for more information.